Ray's Blog: April 2011
Royal Wedding - Be Who You Are
Pilgrims watched the wedding on my TV. Our Retreat House invited guests to join Holy Island's street party (actually, it was Oasis Cafe's garden) instead of their usual evening meal with us, and we gave the cost of their meals to our local charity - the fund to rebuild...
Eggshell, Hospice And Living Stones
Pilgrims thronged to Holy Island's Easter service. This year certain Northern Cross pilgrims walked from further afield than ever before: one started from Iona and another from Lanark. Next year some will start from Saint Ninian's Cave at Whithorn
The Sunday preacher, Colin Gough, told how Archbishop Robert Runcie...
Easter Meditations
Throughout a Forty Day Lent Journey I have tweeted a daily prayer (Twitter@whitehouseviews.com). They included this for Palm Sunday when Jesus wept over the city: 'We weep with You for the blindness of pride, the mad rush to consume, the lust to control that drives you from among us'. And...
All Flesh Shall See It: Holy Saturday Is For Ever
Today a grave holds him who holds creation in his hand. A gravestone covers him who covers the heavens with glory. Life sleeps. Hell trembles. The human race waits with bated breath....
'We have been buried with Christ through baptism. In faith we will journey with him into dark and unknown...
Celtic Springs And The End Of Empire
A speaker on forms of church at a USA Willow Creek conference speaks of six waves of church over two thousand years. Now we are on the cusp of the seventh wave, and this will be Celtic - or so my informant thought the speaker said. Chris Lind, Director...
The Danes Are Coming
Two chaplains and ten theology students from Aarhus University, Juttland, Denmark are here for a Study Week, with two others. I had programmed academic lectures I prepared for the University College of Tyndale in Toronto last year. However, on arrival the students informed me that this Week is not...Anglo-irish Reconciliation And Celtic Spirituality
Wednesday April 1: I leave Lindisfarne at 7.45 am and arrive, via the Stanraer Belfast ferry, at Ballinasloe at 10.0 pm where Trevor offers me hospitality. Thursday: We pick up the Rector of Clonfert, Alan Nevin, and drive to a hotel at Roscrea to meet the Church of Ireland...