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Ray's Blog: August 2015

Aaa: Aidan, America, Australia - Rising Consciousness

This is Aidan Week. On the night of August 31 Aidan was seen being escorted to heaven by a teenager in the Lammermuir Hills. Bishop J B Lightfoot described him as 'the apostle of England'. His Irish Mission to English-speaking peoples of different races introduced a rule of life...
Posted at 12:26pm on 28th August 2015

Fresh Pilgrim Paths

Now it was my turn. I took three days holiday in the Scottish Highlands to pray at St. Fillan's Healing Pool near Tyndrum and lay my hands on the saint's healing stones at the Millhouse, Killin and linger by the five thousand year old yew tree at Fortingall. The Northern...
Posted at 03:18am on 21st August 2015

Childhood Story Revisited

'It's been too long' each of us said. It had been more than a decade since three of our Community's founders - Mike, Russ and myself- had met together as a threesome. Russ and Mike had led a healing pilgrimage for USA friends. They started at Glasgow's St. Mungo's Cathedral,...
Posted at 09:08am on 13th August 2015

They Tread Lightly

Holy Island's August crowds pass by for ice-cream. But some who tread the earth lightly knock on my door - A and B and C as I shall name them.

'Ant' travels the world in his van with his dog. We cared for him when he broke his leg ten...

Posted at 08:40am on 9th August 2015
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