Ray's Blog: June 2019
Do Not Cause Others To Stumble By Our Use Of Social Media
Luke's Gospel tells us (9:51-62) that many people wanted to follow Jesus and his call to live for God's kingdom, but because they had never examined their own unspoken priorities these hi-jacked them from remaining followers of The Way.
I am deeply saddened when someone in our world-wide community, who, before...
Annual Gathering - The Next 25 Years
I joined seventy others at the Annual Gathering of The Community of Aidan and Hilda at Yarnfield Centre, Staffs., to celebrate our first twenty five years. Representatives from Ireland, Norway, South Africa and USA joined us. I gave a power point presentation starting with my visit to Holy Island...
A New Fire Of London
Last Thursday I accompanied 17 clergy from Kristiansand deanery on their coach and lectured, and celebrated Holy Communion with their dean at St Aidan’s Bamburgh, facilitated by the new vicar Louise. Then they walked the island pilgrim posts and got to know the Open gate staff.
On Friday I met with...
The Way
I have been unwell - hence there was no blog last week.
Yesterday I accompanied 16 clergy from Kristiansand, Norway and we celebrated a Eucharist at St. Aidan's Church, Bamburgh, where Aidan died. Haken Borgenvik, the leader of our (Anamcara) community in Norway led the group. Today they walked the Holy...