Celebrations For Tweets, Web Site And Facebook
Tomorrow @praycelticdaily celebrates its three thousandth daily prayer tweet. Does the phrase 'the ceaseless prayer of the heart' come to mind?
Daily emails on The Way for three years are now waiting to be sent. Bruce Challenor, who pastes and sends them through Mailchimp shortly begins a tour to visit Aidan and Hilda members in Australia. Currently daily tweets are drawn from The Way emails. For example: 'Teach us that there is an imprint of The Way in all people – from the Garden of Eden to Dao in China. Help us come into line with Your Way wwww.waymarksoflife.com'
This week I have refreshed and updated this web site. For example new information on the Pilgrimage section includes details of four Pilgrim Walks to Lindisfarne, five Pilgrim Walks in Ireland and six in the rest of Britain. The Downloads have been been placed into categories so that you can access what you look for at a glance or two. They begin with prayer and worship resources, then lectures, followed by Church and the Great Emergence, The Way of Life, Pilgrimage and messages to countries.
Many new Facebook friends need to know that I only do a word post (of this blog) once a week and cannot be relied upon to reply to your messages. I do reply to email messages. However, I have revised my personal Way of Life and now aim to look at Facebook messages once a month when possible.
Sam Simpson of Cork has stayed with me this week. You can see a pic of him with Gerry Adams on his Facebook; He downloaded this poem he has written. Isn't it great?
I do not long for the emptiness to be filled
Like some aged reservoir of filtered water
sage and dark and pure
where wells can draw from deep
one cold bucket at a time
But rather channel
the first rain
rushing tributaries
and streams
flowing swiftly
down the mountainside
across dry unbleached stones
to join that great river
and seep
out into the cracked dry clay
to sink
and out of sight
And patiently wait
and then to run again.