St. Davids, Re-forging And Re-wilding Prayers

Saint David's Day: 

As birds soar high and carefree, may we soar with You.

As deer run straight and graceful, may we run with You.

As fish flow free in waters, may we flow with You.


A UK church leader undertaking a re-wilding of church grounds describes how they have created a mown Trinitarian Celtic Knot. Alongside this they would like to put a board and offer a suitable prayer or blessing as they encourage people to walk the knot in much the same way that they might walk a labyrinth. Might I  suggest a suitable prayer? Here it is:

Triune God who nurtures all, thank you for sun and rain, soil and saints.

Soak us in loving care and fresh callings. 

Nourish in us deep roots and tender shoots. 

Encircle us in eternity.


The US editor of Anamchara Books has passed on the following comment to me:

“I started with Dance of Creation. That was the "gateway" book for me when it comes to Ray Simpson. A hard copy of Celtic Book of Days will be here Thursday to facilitate a daily practice and Soul Friendship is on my Kindle. 😍 and I plan to buy everything else he wrote eventually. The simple,  calming beauty of Ray Simpson's writing is a balm for my heart. His words are exactly what I need to reconnect my heart with God (He had seemed so far away until I started reading Ray Simpson).”

Wow!  This is not a reason for boasting, it is a reason to remain deeply rooted in the soil of divine thankfulness and allow what will be to be



Posted at 12:31pm on 1st March 2023
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