Diamond Jubilee
Lindisfarne celebrates. In our chapel we pray:The diamond is a monarch among gems. If a diamond is properly faceted, it will sparkle with multi-colored rays of light. The famous Persian poet Hafiz remarked "the rainbow is confined in it forever". May our Diamond Queen shine as monarch among the fifty four gems of the Commonwealth. May this unique global fellowship, voluntarily chosen by people who make up one quarter of the world’s population, be a rainbow family that circles the world in love.Ancient Greeks named the diamond ‘Invincible’.Immortal God, Source of all, in you may the Diamond Queen be invincible – may she and all her world-wide family bind to themselvesthe stability of earth, the strength of rock, the brilliance of sun, the truth prophets and the enduring power of your Word.The diamond is a symbol of purity. It’s pure white light helps to bring our lives into a cohesive whole. It brings love and clarity into partnerships, bonding relationships. It brings clarity of mind and allows soul light to shine out. Purity, wisdom and prophecy: