Emerging Down Under

The Launch of Brent and my book 'Emerging Down Under' is going well. It scratches where people itch and sells well. We met people at theAustralia Forge Festival who sense the time has come to set up combined studies of the Aussies Celtic faith hertitage with the reviving studies of the Aboriginal heritage.

We met with John McIntyre, Bishop of Gippsland, and his Diocese's new Anam Cara Community which fosters contemplative prayer. They have a loss-making centre on Raymond Island. They have resisted calls to sell it and aim to turn it in a centre of spirituality, ecology and pilgrimage with an ethos which Anam cara and contemplative residents will help to sustain. They wanted to learn from our mistakes and successes at The Open Gate.

Posted at 15:40pm on 13th April 2008
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