A Fantastic Team On The Way
But what a task! The I.T. is beyond me. Now, however, Bruce Challenor in Melbourne and Oyvind Borgso in Copenhagen have joined me and proof-reader Brenda to form a winning team. Word-press and database, web site and mail chimp, Chrome and Micro-soft Edge, logo and engineer, trial runs and Skype conferences - with all that we look set for a launch in the Fall!
Talking of teams, Carol Few, our dispersed community's part-time secretary, has received her pension lump sum and can now live in her own house on the mainland. I have house hunted with her and she hopes to sign a contract on a house in Berwick, to include a community office. Modern technology will enable her to travel to area groups with a 'mobile office'.
Next week I'll tell you about Adventures in Shetland.