Irish Reconnections

Dwyer and McAllister's Cottage, Wicklow Mountains. Padraig is a volunteer who opens it to visitors for two summer months. D and M helped lead 1790's insurrections against British occupying forces. Memorials to them abound throughout Co. Wicklow. In this cottage they hid. McAllister drew fatal fire which allowed Dwyer to make a dramatic escape. Later he surrendered on the promise he could emigrate to America. The British betrayed their promise. He was imprisoned and deported to Australia. My heart bleeds. I feel ashamed of my people. Padraig says an English Protestant changed sides and supported Dwyer out of conscience. Good and evil crosses the divides. What can we do to ask forgiveness? 'What about a prayer service?' he says. I send him one. We will use it. Irish and British reconnect.

Clonmacnoise. Four of us meet. Brian's vision is to re-connect ancient sites with the many early Irish monastic foundations throughout Europe - history, art, crafts, spirituality, modern communities, learning ... an alternative to a new dark age perhaps. We brain storm. Summer schools are mooted.

Dublin. Janet has worship leader Burt and me to lunch. We explore how to earth the Aidan and Hilda Way of Life among young Irish people. We discuss allies and venues and resources.

Tullow, Health Spa. This is supposed to be a holiday. I work hard daily on the Aidan novel and have student assignments to mark. So I indulge in a six ticket offer for this vast hotel complex. I enjoy its gym, jacuzzi, steam room, sauna, newspapers and bar lunch. Now I snore off.

Posted at 23:53pm on 9th August 2013
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