Is Sex Part Of Capitalism's Crisis?


Feed-back on ‘The Cowshed Revolution’ and the crisis of capitalism continues. Don, of Droitwich writes 'I shall continue to study it since it's a mine of information.' It has no information about sex, however. That is because I've only just seen ‘Free sex: Who pays?’,  a cutting edge contribution from Cambridge Papers towards a biblical mind:
What we really mean by ‘sex between consenting adults harms no one else’ is more like ‘sex between consenting adults is such an important freedom that it is worth the collateral damage.’ But the costs of promiscuity are huge. Sexually transmitted Infections (STI’s) are estimated to cost the tax payer through NHS more than £1 billion per year. Preventing the 3,550 new cases that were diagnosed in 2008 would ultimately have saved £1.1 billion. Teenage pregnancy costs the NHS £63 million per year. Abortions cost £118…Breakdown Britain claimed that family breakdown directly costs the taxpayer £24 billion per year.
For decades most western economies have coped with the costs of sexual irresponsibility by going ever deeper into debt. Now we reap in economic hardship what we have sown without counting the cost.
Yes, fat bankers are part of what’s wrong, but so are mindless consumers – including sex consumers. The reform of capitalism has to include a reform of our moral values.
In response to this blog Maureen emailed:
O this is my bee in my bonnet
perhaps it calls for a mini sonnet
When a doctor queried pregnancy dater
It rattled my store of personal haters
I told him he needed to take stock
And reminded him of a special white frock
A sign of purity that I wore
And as a virgin at the church door
And so he had a proper telling
My son came 10 months after the wedding
Another time I raised a sigh
When told all young uns have to try
And sleep together before they buy
In fact there seems to be no limit
To sex with no commitment in it
But I call to God and know
That some still commitment show
As I did for that special day
I married my mike
Its so sad that sex is regarded so cheaply nowadays, It gave me my son as is its purpose, and its with no regret that mine was for Mike alone---- there is so much more to life, if only folk would see it
Posted at 06:49am on 8th March 2012
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