Oldies Revolution

Today some churches celebrate Theodore, saint of Tarsus, and the first Archbishop of Canterbury to win the heartfelt allegiance of both Celtic and Roman traditions in the seventh century English church. But I celebrate the fact that he was sixty seven when he began his twenty one years of great work.

He was third choice. The first choice died. The second, the young African monk Hadrian, thought himself too inexperienced and so suggested Theodore instead. Most people in those days died at forty. Yet Theodore travelled far, visited the length and breadth of the English kingdoms, set up dioceses, educated the clergy, established agreed rules and good order, lived the faith, and was loved by the flock.

This makes me want to explore the lives of people who began a great work for God in their old age. Moses was one such person. he began at eighty. Send me details of others: .

You may not have guessed the reason for my interest in this subject. I am sixt yseven.

Posted at 07:52am on 20th September 2007
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