Opiate Or Tonic?
I watched The Last Days of the Czars on Netflix. They were devout Christians. Although their faith comforted them in their adversity, it cocooned them from the realities of the vast masses of the poor. They did not pray as Jesus urged ‘Your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven’.
The Czars were soon replaced by Marxist-Leninists who taught that religion is the opiate of the people. Yet under Lenin they replaced false piety with mass killings and mass selfishness. They ignored the sin that infects every person and institution. Atheism became the opiate of the people. They failed to model a Kingdom of Good on earth
Privatised religion in USA and elsewhere today is like the religion of the czars. It is the pawn of capitalism without a conscience. For example, a man evangelises in every car park in his town and tells everyone that if they give their lives to Jesus they will go to heaven. In the next breath he says ‘I do like …’ (a well known political leader whom many think is an endemic liar and playboy). My friend makes no connection between the Gospel and God’s kingdom on earth.
However, there is now a growing movement of people of all backgrounds who make the prayer ‘Your kingdom come on earth’ the centre of their way of life. Members of the Community of Aidan and Hilda commit to this. Faith communities who do this become social hubs who nurture the spiritual core of every person in their area. This is the opposite of an opiate. It is the best tonic in the world.