The Day Of Small Things
'Do not despise the day of small things' was the theme of the Community of Aidan and Hilda's Annual Week-end at Red Hill Centre, near Shakespeare's Stratford in the heart of England. Here are some bullet points from Simon Reed's keynote speech:
- Let us not romanticise the past but listen to it.
- Our ethos is to seek to see things as they really are.
- The world has changed even in the last four years, e.g. the crisis in capitalism, political instability, rioting 'because we can', moral relativism, environmental disaster, aggressive internet atheism, re-emergent racism, anger caused by powerlessness,... plus many acts of kindness and a desire to rebuild community.
- Two false responses to this background are fundamentalism based on a fortress mentality and authoritarianism which hides behind human authorities.
A prayer: 'Lord, work through the limitations of our minds and physicality and do what you want to do in the world.'
Posted at 12:53pm on 25th June 2012
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