The Forgotten Factor

When we are too weak to act or think, to pray or believe, when death is in the midst of life - what is left? To dream.

In my dreams I revisit a house I had forgotten that I owned. But how can I make sense of this dream? This house represents a bit of me that has not been lived. In waking life I will imagine myself living in this house. I will ask questions: Where is it situated? Where does it lead to? Who are its neighbours? Why do I need this house? There is a water side nearby. I must learn to go with the flow? What is this psychic flow? Where is God in this?

Perchance there is a forgotten factor in all our lives. But now I must go to a lecture on The River Tweed. Will this be a morning of synchronicity?

Posted at 01:38am on 14th February 2017
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