The Last Thursday In Jesus' Life
Today the western world remembers Christ's Last Supper, feet washing, and catches a supreme insight into the validity of Servant Leadership - what a contrast to the proud, loud, pomp of too many national leaders today.
I paste below the start of a Devotion to Christ for a Vigil for this day from Volume 1 of The Celtic Prayer Book adapted from the 9th c. convent of Nunnaminster
Fountain of goodness, form of true humility, you bent your holy neck
and let a cross be placed upon you. I thank you.
I bend the neck of my heart low and ask you to forgive me.
You who are the arm of God
allowed your arms to be stretched out on the wood of the cross.
Your tender hands were pierced through with the marks of the nails.
I thank you.
Reach out your hands to me
and with the sharp point of fear and love pierce my hardened heart
and guide and rule my way.
Intimate, merciful Saviour God, you Fountain of goodness who lit up with all virtue the pure and the strong,
you who keep in your heart the Spirit’s seven gifts and your eight blessings,
you who offer them without demanding a return, I thank you.
Take from my heart the eight great sins, cleanse my body and soul,
and light me up.