The Messiah In A Climate/covid Stricken Planet

I exulted  in a nearby  performance of Handel's Messiah. Throughout I was thinking of planet earth's crisis and the campaigners shut out of the COP 26 conference centre.  It prompted these Christmas thoughts:

Comfort ye, comfort ye, my earthlings.  Every sinking island and uninhabitable desert shall be exalted. The glory of the Cosmic Birther shall be revealed.

But who may abide the destructions caused by our raping the earth? Amid the darkness of these destructions, amid lowly indigenous peoples and repenting rich people a light will shine. The Origin and Source of Life shall be born again among us.  Ah … peace like sheep safely grazing.

Reveal yourself among our collapsing towers of Babel, our melting  glaciers and uninhabitable lands. Amid our new Dark Age an angel shall appear, a light shall shine. We shall not all be wiped out.

Those kept awake at night will see gleams from heaven that bless the earth, coming insensibly, gently to restore our peace. You will come among us like an innocent Child  unlike the predator politicians and monopolists.

Come to me, O come to me. We shall not all be wiped out. Vast volcanic blasts shall be a   herald. We shall all be transformed. The air, the seas, the species, indigenous peoples ripe for slaughter are embraced by the One who has borne their griefs. The proud dismiss You and laugh you to scorn. You are cut off from the living and descend into a living hell But although you are broken and stricken with grief. You continue to bear our sorrows and you open the gates to life on earth.

Since humans brought death to the planet Humanity’s  Birther shall bring life again.  For I know that our Redeemer still lives. Since we brought death to the planet, through death shall life be reborn. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Listen to the trumpets in the places on the edge. Worthy is the Eternal Lamb who was slain. Rejoice for ever. Amen. Amen.

Greta's fellow campaigners are right to dismiss so much as 'Blah! Blah! Blah!'  But do not throw the Baby out with the bath water.



Posted at 17:09pm on 21st December 2021
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