Three Super Olympic Gifts


The three Olympic aspirations are Higher, Faster, Stronger. But some of the food and drink chains who sponsor the Olympic Village are  unfit for purpose. As points out, Greedier, Lazier, Hungrier might be the three ‘gifts’ of such sponsors. They mock the three Olympic gifts.
This week non-Olympians came to Holy Island for a retreat on Mother Julian of Norwich. She asked God for these three gifts: (1) to understand Christ’s Passion, (2) to be ill to the point of death, and (3) to have three wounds from God. Now that shows super Olympian heroism. Other people have asked God for three different but equally challenging gifts. Columba of Iona asked for purity, wisdom and prophecy.
I asked a visitor what three gifts he asked God for. ‘An undivided heart’ was his first gift. Today  I ask myself this same question. The first  gift I ask for is 'grace to fulfil what you are giving me to do'.
What three gifts do you ask God for?
MS wrote in response:
One is that my heart
stays warmed by God's love
A warmth that can't depart
Though things change and move
A second is for friends
To walk my pilgrim way
Friendship without ends
Nomatter what I do or say
The third is for myself'
That I may just be me
Honest to myself and God
Who he wants me to be
Posted at 23:38pm on 1st August 2012
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