What Is Celtic Spirituality? Asked The Pilgrim

Pilate asked Jesus 'What is truth?' and would not wait for an answer. People who study only through the head and not also through the heart dismissively ask 'What is Celtic spirituality?' A music therapist from Norway yesterday asked me for Celtic music, and I, playing devil's advocate like Pilate,  asked 'What is Celtic spirituality?' Her beautiful reply inspired these words:

The prayer is in the breath.

The poetry is in the song.

The song is in the lilt of all that lives.

The rhythm is in the circling of the sun.

The depth is in the earth.

The soaring is in the air.

The purity is in the fire.

The flowing is in the water.

The colour is in blossoms, the last of the beautiful elements.

The sorrow is in the sighing, of mortals and nature

and in the wounds of our Human Forge on the Tree of Death.

The hope is in the sap rising

and in the eternal Son of God leaping o'er the world.

Posted at 23:37pm on 10th August 2012
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