“Faith is not the clinging to a shrine but an endless pilgrimage of the heart.”

We are not a travel agent and cannot respond to the many requests to advise people on how to organise a pilgrimage. Each one is unique. Careful thought needs to be given to the spiritual purpose, needs and budgets of pilgrims. Do not rush from place to place. Time to linger, wander and be is as important as cramming in one more site.

Here we aim to gradually build up information about sites, routes, resources, agencies.  Please send information to (revd.ray.simpson@btinternet.com>



 The Community of Aidan and Hilda has retreat accommodation, group training opportunities, a library and a prayer room and mini bookshop next to The Gospels Garden, where Midday and 9.0 pm Night Prayer are usually said on week-days;  

 * Ray Simpson is happy to come over to meet with pilgrims who contact him in advance - tel 01289 306771. <revd.raysimpson@btinternet.com>

* Faith and Scott Brennan have oversight of the Community's Holy Island  work and live at Whitehouse.

* Click link below:

Retreat List 2022 v2.docx 


Community of Aidan and Hilda on Holy Island v16.pdf


Finding the Waymarks: A Pilgrim's Journal for Modern Times by Susan Copeland (Heartsong Press Santa Barbara 2012) Available from Amazon.

 Pilgrimage A spiritual and Cultural Journey Ian Bradley (Lion Hudson)

 To Be a Pilgrim Barbara Butler and Jo White (Kevin Mayhew 2002)

 Every Pilgrim’s Guide to Celtic Britain and Ireland Andrew Jones (Canterbury Press)

 Pilgrim Road to Nidaros: St. Olav’s Way: Oslo to Trondheim Alison Raju A Cicerone Guide

 Pilgrimage: exploring a great spiritual practice Edward C. Sellner (Sorin Books Notre Dame)


Holy Island Gebetbuch - Holy Islands prayer stops translated into German from Ray Simpson's A Holy Island Prayer Book.

Pilgrimage - talk in Norway

Pilgrimage -making one



Forth to Farne Way a 72 mile walk from North Berwick to Lindisfarne www.forthtofarne.org or www.sprf.org.uk

St. Aidan's Way ' Aberlady to Lindisfarne See leaflet and info from www.aberladyheritage.com

St. Cuthbert's Way - Melrose to Lindisfarne 63 miles. See Downloads 'St. Cuthbert's Way Pilgrim Prayers Menu';   www.stcuthbertsway.fsnet.co.uk;  info@walkingsupport.co.uk

 St. Oswalds's Way - Lindisfarne to Heavenfield   See www.stoswalssway.com/home.html

See also www.northernsaints.com 


 The following attractive leaflets have been produced by Northern Saints Trails:

 THE WAY OF LIGHT (Heavenfield, Hexham, Durham)

THE WAY OF LIFE (Gainford, Bishop Auckland, Durham)

THE WAY OF LOVE (Hartlepool – Durham)

THE WAY OF LEARNING (Jarrow, Sunderland, Durham)

THE ANGEL’S WAY (Seaton Sluice, Newcastle, Gateshead, Chester-le-Street, Durham).

THE WAY OF THE SEA (Warkworth – North Shields).

 For further information visit www.northernsaints.com



A pilgrim Walk to/from Hartlepool Microsoft Word - Whitby Walks PDF (raysimpson.org)

A Pilgrim Walk in the Steps of Saint Hilda  On a  Postcard and on the Sleights Methodist Church web site  http://www.whitbymethodist.btik.com/BriggswathSleightsChapel/PostCardfromHilda

 Walking St. Hilda’s Way Nancy and John Eckersley Published by Mulgrave Community Research Project


The historian Tom Holland has opened a 100 mile walking and cycling route between churches in North Wiltshire.



Scottish Pilgrim Routes http://www.scotlandspilgrimjourneys.com/

St Ninian’s Way – 250 miles – 22 Days – Carlisle to South Queensferry https://britishpilgrimage.org/portfolio/st-ninians-way



The North Wales Pilgrim Way is a 132 mile walk from Basingwerk to Bardsey  www.pilgrims-way-north-wales.org

St. David`s to Holywell http://www.cistercianway.wales/directory/basingwerk-valle-crucis/basingwerk-ruthin/pilgrim-way/

The Three Saints Way Long distance walking route. www.threesaintsway.org

Living Stones Heritage Trail across the valleys of North Montgomeryshire www.living-stones.info

The Pilgrim Way foir the (Catholic) Diocese of Menevia in North Wales is open in summer. It begins at Swansea's Cathedral of St. Joseph and ends at St. Antony's Well in Llansteffan.


St. Michael's Way https://www.cornwall.gov.uk/.../countryside/cycle-routes-and-trails/st-michaels-way

The Cornish Pilgrims Way  https://britishpilgrimage.org/portfolio/cornish-celtic-way


The Two Saints Way is a 92 mile walk between the cathedral cities of Chester and Lichfield http://twosaintsway.org.uk/




<pilgrimways.org.uk> Catholic pilgrim ways


The Ireland Camino: www.pilgrimpaths.ie

Saint Brendan's Way kerrycamino.com/docs/Booklet2015.pdf

Brigid's Way - 9 day pilgrimage www.brigidsway.ie

St. Finbarr's Way www.top[oftherock.ie

Saint Kevin's Way https://www.irishtrails.ie/Trail/St-Kevins-Way---Pilgrim-Path-/371/ Listen to: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/w3csz572

Saint Patrick's Way http://www.walkni.com/walks/23909/saint-patrick-s-way-the-pilgrims-walk/

Pilgrim trip organisers:






Holy Family in Egypt https://wws


As we journey together may we place in your  hands those we have left behind, enjoy our fellow pilgrims for who they are, celebrate your presence in each place we visit and make Christ our constant companion.

Psalms Suitable passages from the following are suggested: Psalm 40, 42, 123, 125, 139.

Psalm 107:1–9, 23–32 Response after each verse: Give thanks to the Lord, who leads us on.

Refrains To be said repetitively at any time

God behind, God before, God above. God below, God above, God within.

High king of land and sea, wherever we go is yours. You led our forebears by cloud and fire, you lead us through the days and years. You led your saints by sign and sail, your presence goes before us now.

There may be singing e.g. Spirit of God (Skye boat tune).

Bible reading Philippians 3:7–14 or another Bible passage

We Journey in your Love Forgetting what is past, we look to the things unseen.

We journey in your light. The sun shall not strike us by day, nor the moon by night.

We journey in your light. We look not to right or left, but straight towards your way.

We journey in your light. The rough places shall be smoothed and the pitfalls shall be cleared.

We journey in your light. The proud shall be brought low and the humble shall be raised up.

We journey in your light. No final home have we on this life’s passing sea

We journey in your light.

Chant In the presence of the sending Father, in the presence of the pilgrim Son, in the presence of the wind-like Spirit, in the presence of the Three we are One.

Prayer We place our souls and bodies under your guarding this day/night, O God, O Father of help to frail pilgrims, Protector of heaven and earth.
We place our souls and bodies under your guiding this day/night, O Christ, O Son of the tears and the woundings, may your cross this day/night be our shield. We place 


Go before us in our pilgrimage of life. Anticipate our needs, prevent our falling, and lead us to our eternal destiny.


a prayer...

We arise today
in the wisdom of the One
who brought to birth the giant plains,
the water and the first beings.
We arise today
in the brightness of the One
who created the blazing sun,
the shining stars and the twinkle in our eyes.
We arise today
in the mercy of the One
who gave us dreams
and memories and hearts.

Taken from
Shalom!: Celtic Prayers for Wholeness and Healing
£0.00 + P&P
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The Way of Life For the Third Millennium (Hardback)
£16.99 + P&P
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