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22nd January 2018
As loneliness spreads like a plague help us to find our home in the Divine Communion and make good neighbours #WeekOfPrayerForChristianUnity
Tweeted at 9:18am
21st January 2018
Let us find our home in the Divine Communion, our learning in Divine Wisdom and our happiness in seeking the wellbe…
Tweeted at 7:35am
20th January 2018
Dear Lord, instil in us habits that bring heaven upon earth #jointhenewmonasticuprising
Tweeted at 9:04am
19th January 2018
Impel us to pass on Christ's flame across cultures and generations #AidanAndHildaDailyPledge
Tweeted at 8:56am
18th January 2018
The Machine dragoons and drains us. Put a sparkle in our lives and bring us fully alive! #CAandHNorthampton
Tweeted at 8:10am
17th January 2018
Hurting people hurt people. Let your forgiving love transform our hurts @praycelticdaily @northamptonuniversity
Tweeted at 8:12am
16th January 2018
Help flailing politicians and hurting people replace malice with mercy #caandhretreatnorthampton
Tweeted at 12:21pm
Help flailing politicians and we hurting people replace mud-slinging with mercy @northamptonvoyagersretreatcaandh
Tweeted at 12:21pm
15th January 2018
Let there be spaces between us in our loving and learning, in our working and wandering – spaces for you to fill…
Tweeted at 7:59am
14th January 2018
May books inspired by truth, insight or beauty wing their way into many hearts. #
Tweeted at 8:37am
13th January 2018
Though the nations rage, teach us to listen to you, Lord, who brings the counsel of the nations to nothing #Psalm33USAAndAfricanUnion
Tweeted at 8:54am
12th January 2018
Spur us to leave behind selfish ways and to follow every gleam #EpiphanyTransformation
Tweeted at 6:36am
11th January 2018
Put a glory in our work today. Put a glory in the midday fray #CommunityOfAidandAndHildaMiddayPrayerEpiphany
Tweeted at 7:53am
10th January 2018
Help us not to hide behind our selfish barricades but to journey on with you until we hear the singing over garden walls #Borders
Tweeted at 9:00am
9th January 2018
Its Epiphany - so even if we head into the twilight give us a twinkle #HaddingtonSeriousBookClub
Tweeted at 12:08pm
8th January 2018
I will praise you on this brief sparrow flight through earth #Ellingham
Tweeted at 8:15am
7th January 2018
May the Three Loves in God's heart be a Voice to affirm us, a Presence among us and a Dove to anoint us TheophanyOrEpiphanySunday
Tweeted at 7:08am
6th January 2018
Arise! Shine! For the rays of Christ's glory spread across the world. Open our eyes to see. Open our hearts to shine. #EpiphanyAndTheophany
Tweeted at 7:56am
5th January 2018
Friendship, sincerity and trust - let these bind us to the Son of God today #LastDayOfChristmas
Tweeted at 10:46am
4th January 2018
Jesus, you learned to play well, study well and love well. Help us to follow in your steps #EleventhDayOfChristmas
Tweeted at 7:58am
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a prayer...

We arise today
in the Eternal Flow of Mercy
who was here when the land began to breathe,
when the first tribes began to roam,
and when the colonists came to settle.
We arise today
in the Eternal Flow of Wisdom
who is dimly perceived in the stones,
the stories and the studies of all our peoples.
We arise today
in the Eternal Flow of Life
who seeps through land and limb and love.

Taken from
Shalom!: Celtic Prayers for Wholeness and Healing
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The Way of Life For the Third Millennium (Hardback)
£16.99 + P&P
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