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Ray's Blog: January 2009

Channel 4 Tv's Message From Lindisfarne

The British TV Channel Four are broadcasting a series on The History of Christianity. Episode Four is entitled The Dark Ages and focusses on Britain, especially Lindisfarne. The presenter, the black British theologian Dr Robert Beckford described how warring kingdoms were united, and the English became a nation, through...
Posted at 12:30pm on 25th January 2009

Message To President Obama

Dear President,

Our international movement for change prays for you.

We commit ourselves to healing our torn-apart world. We refuse to demonise. We love Muslims, Christians and Jews - children of Abraham, children of God, and challenge all to listen to God and to one another for what is...

Posted at 12:07pm on 25th January 2009


Today I welcomed back Ian Mills, Warden of Marygate House, on Holy Island, from several weeks of his sabbatical leave which he used to serve Palestinian charity workers in the West Bank. Today, also, the Director of our St Cuthbert's Centre here sent me the following message from his United...
Posted at 07:44am on 13th January 2009

How Your Nation Can Be Great

Today I emailed this Thought for the Day to my mates in Australia:

In living to make others great I find my own greatness.

As I am so is my nation

Posted at 10:10am on 9th January 2009

More Light, Less Heat

MORE LIGHT, LESS HEAT Details: They call this the season of Epiphany. The best quote I have been sent is this by C.S. Lewis: I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.
Posted at 10:32am on 6th January 2009

The Thirteenth Day Of Christmas

'On the thirteenth day of Christmas I saw King Jesus go about the plain beyond my pane wearing the cap of snow...'

Thanks for sending me that line from Charles Causley's poem. Now write the next line - what's he doing outside your window?

Posted at 10:18am on 6th January 2009

Holy Island New Year

January 1 is Men's Day. I had a drink on the house at The Crown and Anchor.l Since I was called upon to lead Evening Prayer in the church I then did something unheard of - I had a latte coffee at The Manor House Hotel. Its the spirit...
Posted at 03:23am on 2nd January 2009

New Year

Hi folks, my New Year Message is on the front of the first web page. Bulls-eye!

New's Year's Day is Men's Day on the island. I had a drink on the house at The Crown and Anchor. Since I was called upon to lead Evening Prayer in the...

Posted at 02:19am on 1st January 2009
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