Pastors, Business People And Spiritual Directors
On Monday the Doctorate in Ministry students had a special meal and I lectured on Celic models and new monasticism.'I am one of 20 pastors in the 3,200 member Chinese church' said one student. Several led Pentecostal churches. The Ghanese founder of a revival church was so humble he asked me to pray for him. It is hard for those who lead bustling churches to think 'outside the box' or not to control.
On Tuesday about seventy business people connected to Touchstone ascended to the 35th floor of the Toronto Harbour scyscraper - a stunning conference suite recently purchased by Touchstone. The founder, Norm Allen, who is a CA&H Explorer, enables those in this network to relate as soul friends and to draw on our own and other resources. Thank God that Canada has so many honest and god-honouring finance people. I spoke about how Celtic Christianity brings Christ into the centre of every area of life and can help us win a society that is in thrall to modern idols.
Wednesday I am at Manresa, the Jesuit Retreat Centre, with twenty members of the new Tyndale spiritual directors network. Some church leaders here now affirm these spiritual directors publicly and invite members of their churches to use them. Spiritual direction is taking off. I hope churches in other lands will take their cue from this. I am leading retreat sessions on soulfriendhsip, saints, rhythm, creation and culture-friendly mission in the Celtic tradition. There's such a warm response, despite, not because of, the sweltering heat.