Volcanic Ash, Canada And Mr. Lind

Volcanic ash grounded Glasgow planes. I left a day early, trained to London, took a cheap hostel in Southall and vowed never again to heave a month's luggage in three bags up and down so many steps. (Where's the monastic rhythm? I tried to step up rhythmically like the Shaolin monks).

I left Heathrow at 1.30 pm, changed planes at Calgary to Kelowna, hired a car, drove two hours to Sorrento, and arrived at 4.30 am British time - it was a lovely evening in Sorrento. The former director of Sorrento Anglican Retreat and Conference Centre left last year to become a bishop and original plans for my visit did not work out. Things are working out in a different, really inspired way. The new director, Chris Lind, has been here only days and we both feel that this time has been given us to share experiences and thoughts, and writings, and vision for how places can become villages of God. Incidentally, he says his is a Scandinavian name and he thinks the Vikings must have given Lindisfarne its name.

On the long plane flight I read the book Scott Brennan suggested 'Why Men don't go to church'. Scott wonders if he and I might collaborate to write about Celtic and modern examples of men who build, struggle, adventure to create God's kingdom on earth - which is true church. Here at Sorrento I meet men who are competitive in sport but compassionate and inclusive in the way they encourage youngsters. On Wednesday I drive five hours ro Kirk and Karen Pidcock for an Ascension Day gathering at their landholding - along with what he calls their Celtic chickens. Watch this space.

Posted at 13:17pm on 10th May 2010
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