Celtic Studies

Our purpose

A disciple is a life-long learner. All can learn through daily reflection on Scripture, nature and life. Some benefit from systematic study.

It was said that seventh century Ireland became a land of saints and scholars: we seek something of that for our world.  The Celtic tradition inspires holistic, head-through-the heart learning. It seeks honour, not honours, wisdom, not mere knowledge.  When universities were divorced from the monasteries, something important was lost, whatever the gains. We learn not for the sake of study itself, but in order that what we learn should be lived.

Study Tools

We offer

  • introductory guidance

Guidelines for people new to study (Downloads)

Sabbatical Study guidelines at Lindisfarne or elsewhere (Downloads)

  • e-courses (e.course)

E-courses typically conist of about eleven units which must be completed within one year. We allocate the student a tutor.

The courses use varied learning responses similar to those used in UK's Open University courses and are broadly at (UK) Certificate level.

Enrolment procedures and forms are available as Downloads.

  • eye-openers (eyeO)

These short papers highlight some key facts, issues, questions for the student to explore, and sources to refer to in specified subjects and are available as downloads.

  • study material for groups (group study)

A Way of Life for Our World is a group study guide to accompany the book A Pilgrim Way - the text and commentary on The Community of Aidan and Hilda's Way of Life. It  (also the book) may be purchased from us (See Store: Orders) or you may download it free (see Downloads).

We recommend these books which have study sections suitable for group use:

Explorng Celtic Spirituality with Study Guide (Kevin Mayhew)

Church of the Isles with Study Guide (Kevin Mayhew) (Celtic Models for the Modern Church Download is based on this)

The Transforming Church course (Kevin Mayhew)

Restoring the Woven Cord by Michael Mitton (BRF)



Pilgrimage and Celtic sites (EyeO)

Thin places (EyeO)

The history of the original evangelisation of Celtic lands (EyeO)

Celtic myth (EyeO)

The Celtic tradition and creation (EyeO)

The Celtic tradition and the Trinity (EyeO)

Wisdom in the Celtic  tradition (EyeO)

Celtic prayer and liturgy (EyeO)

Soulfriendship (e-course)

Celtic saints and hagiography (e-course ready late 2012)

Celtic and New Monasticism (e.course ready mid 2012))

Introduction to Celtic Spirituality (Download Flyer for the  course)


Watch this space. We are frequently adding to our menu.


a prayer...

We arise today
in the wisdom of the One
who brought to birth the giant plains,
the water and the first beings.
We arise today
in the brightness of the One
who created the blazing sun,
the shining stars and the twinkle in our eyes.
We arise today
in the mercy of the One
who gave us dreams
and memories and hearts.

Taken from
Shalom!: Celtic Prayers for Wholeness and Healing
£0.00 + P&P
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The Way of Life For the Third Millennium (Hardback)
£16.99 + P&P
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