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Ray's Blog: January 2013

Father William


"You are old, father William," the young man said,
"And your hair has become very white;
And yet you incessantly stand on your head
Do you think, at your age, it is right?” First verse of Lewis Carroll’s poem.   Sixty-six year old Father William stepped into my house yesterday....
Posted at 01:30am on 25th January 2013

Angels That Hoover


Our new Community Coach (our name is Soulfriend) is a double-act - Dorothy and Peter Neilson. At our annual retreat for those in vows Peter compared us to the Para Olympics: we are a Para church and a Parable - we are carrying life from God that is powerful and unpredictable....
Posted at 01:16am on 19th January 2013

What's The Point Of Growing Old?


‘What is the point of growing old?’ I asked a winter pilgrim. He replied ‘To make space for others’. I thought to myself ‘That’s what nature does’. In autumn leaves grow old and fall to the ground. These old leaves do two worthwhile things. They provide us humans with a feast...
Posted at 05:39am on 11th January 2013

Epiphany Moments


Headlines shouted that the leader of UK’s main opposition party had experienced an ‘Epiphany Moment’. Ed Miliband’s Epiphany Moment was the insight that his Labour Party was meant to become the One Nation Party: instead of just fighting for the have-nots it would henceforth spread community among all sections of...
Posted at 02:17am on 4th January 2013
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