Ray's Blog: September 2013
Journey Int0 Wisdom - A Retreat Not To Be Missed
Posted at 08:19am on 27th September 2013
Jersey Festival Of Spirituality
Two planes from Oslo to home. Two planes from home to Jersey. Before the Festival of Spirituality begins I meet in the Chief Minister's room with Senator Paul Routier - the Chief Minister had been called to London at the last minute. We discuss The Council of the isles...Posted at 09:45am on 20th September 2013
Oslo University And Church Networks
The monthly International Students Meeting combined with the Theological Students for a packed lunch-hour meeting on Celtic Christianity which overflowed into canteen conversations. One African after another said 'Thank you. This model speaks to us'. The model was that of Aidan of Lindisfarne and those who follow practices inspired...Posted at 08:05am on 14th September 2013
Anamcara Norway At Utstein Kloster
Nearly thirty came by plane, car and boat for the annual gathering of Anamcara, the Community of Aidan and Hilda in Norway . It was held for the first time at Pilegrimsgard, our west coast link retreat house 45 minutes from Stavanger. Reidun Kyllingsgrad and her inspiring local Board...Posted at 11:07am on 8th September 2013
Stavanger And The Gentle Gospel
The Sarn people (once known as Laps) have a Church of Norway centre among the forest mountains and lakes at Nydlys, near Sandnes. The Bishop and Deans of the Stavanger Diocese held their annual retreat there. About 10 deans each have oversight of 9 to 15 clergy. I was invited...Posted at 00:26am on 5th September 2013
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Let the hype fall off Harry and Meghan like water off a duck's back. May the royalty of the pure in heart shine in… https://t.co/wWx6oaPQDG
Help university students with mental health problems to let go of a perfectionist mind-set and social media addicti… https://t.co/UsCzXr55PM
Move the hearts of those around Jerusalem to keep the 10 commandments: not to steal others' land; not to kill those… https://t.co/Mgkv2iT8n9
In our disappointments, lift us up. In our denials, lift us up. In our duties, lift us up. Ascended Jesus, lift us up. #Ascensiontide
Help us to realize that every one of us needs a twelve step program in order for your Holy Spirit to fill what wo… https://t.co/yYQNWkCjLq
All-Compassionate One, get Christians out of their church boxes and religious de-tox bolt holes and forge them into… https://t.co/gbyGIHceXs
May infants in the womb be raised to life in you; may scarred heroes and spurned lovers be raised to life in you #Ascensiontide
Alon Liel, former Director-General of Israel’s Foreign Ministry, said in London: ‘If Britain will recognise Palesti… https://t.co/vg1psU8cAy
All human life with Christ is raised, the weakest ones by heaven are praised; now high and low on him have gazed. A… https://t.co/wnIYKet0jf
RT @PeteGreig: The Day of #Ascension means that the resurrected Jesus who was once somewhere at one time for some is now everywhere, always…