Canada's Foresight Group, The Environment And The Church

At last I have time to catch up and I find some notes of my address last year to the Foresight Group that meets in Canada's Parliament. Representatives of science, business and Parliament met for the first time to consider future trends in religion. Evidently I said: 'There is a growing conviction among people most passionate to conserve the environment that we cannot swing it without a grassroots spirituality that motivates and sustains the changed programmes andhabits that are necessary....

The second millennium church in the West allowed itelf, however, to become disconnected from the soil. It identified its call to mission, allied with the work ethic, as a mandate to treat the earth as an inert commodity. Many therefore turned to Buddhism or New Age spiritualities. The international Community of Aidan and Hilda is an example of emerging Christian movements who enable church and other people to become friends of the earth in their values, religious observances and practical habits. This includes the habit of honouring the land and those who have lived on it in each place'. I then told the audience about some of our members: Lars the Deep Ecology Outdoor trainer in Norway, and Manfred, and his project to create eco lodges in Brazil's rain forests that encourage the indigenous people not to be bought out by the multi-national tree-slayers. The Deimels, and their rituals for seasons and blessing the earth...

God help us.

Posted at 11:15am on 21st May 2008
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