Celtic Sap Rises In Sorrento And Vancouver Island

This is one big family at Sorrento Centre. The week began with us paying $15 for a meal whose proceeds went to a local person who was turned out of their house. Volunteers paint, sew, clean, garden, cook, catalogue, display and make ready the cabins for the coming season. They work between 10.0 am and 5. 0 pm. Before and after that I lead them in teaching and worship on Celtic spirituality, new monasticism and emerging villages of God. This centre already has accommodation, cabins and camp site, a farm and a beach, a shop and a refectory, a garden of remembrance and sabbatical study facilities - plus a year round programme for all ages. One Associate suggested they might introduce commitment to a daily pattern of prayer.

On Saturday and Sunday May 14 and 15 First Metropolitan United Church, Victoria, Vancouver Island hosts a week-end on sustainable churches and Celtic spirituality for the 21st. century. To find out more and register online visit www.firstmetvictoria.com

Posted at 16:30pm on 11th May 2011
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