Cypriot Villages And Eavesdroppings On Uk's Eu Referendum

Edna and Terry hosted me two nights in their village of Ypsonas. We walked two hours round the edge of the Akrotiri base. Linda drove me to the home of herself and her husband Gordon in the village of Pissouri, where they service a church plant.

I led the morning prayer service at St. Barnabas and next day newcomers arrived via Facebook for an afternoon healing of relationships service. Several people wanted to talk about their vocation.

It was instructive to eavesdrop on a group conversation over refreshments which gave a different, Cyprus, perspective on the UK referendum whether to stay in or leave the European Union:

It will make it more difficult to travel…. Won’t we need new passports?...

The idea of the EU was to solve mutual problems fraternally – won’t this set this back?...

It will set back the peace process in Ireland…

It will set Scotland against England…

Once disintegration sets in England might end up a Banana Republic…

Everyone who observes Remembrance Day should reflect that those they honour will have died in vain if we dismantle the frameworks that secure our peace…

Posted at 07:44am on 25th February 2016
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