Last Rites

My ancient computer signalled it must receive  its last rites after the screen was smashed on an airflight and skype sessions to Australia were blacked out. I purchased a new computer, and a new large screen, and a tutorial from Curry's shop, only to realise that they only  import everything onto a data base: So I 've had to learn, with Brenda's help, how to retrieve, file and manage a thousand documents. And then the password for my blog got changed and forgotten... and ...and...   That, in short, is why there has been no email replies or blogs. <p>

Yesterday I met two people. One runs the office for a national church leader. 'We get so many apps and emails each day we no longer answer them all' she told me. The other was a retired priest next to me in a supermarket queue. 'I've never had a computer' he said with a blissful smile, 'and I won't need one in heaven'. 'The communication system will be better there, too,' I said rather  too casually. <p>

Heaven, also, needs to be prepared for. I was invited to take the last rites to a follower of our Way. The nature of his illness means that his behaviour patterns are unpredictable.  It may be hard for a spouse, but I have no doubt that heaven rejoices when we prepare and pray, because heaven' s communications are unimpeded by faults in the brain system.  'May you journey straight towards the heart of God' we prayed. Previously, I have anointed people with oil blessed only by myself. This time, I was given oil by my local church which had been blessed in a cathedral by a bishop in apostolic succession to Christ.   A document titled Last Rites is now a download on this web site. <p>

A priest only in his early sixties, with an evangelical zeal.  met weekly with a neighbour to discuss matters of science and faith. , He knew he was about to die of cancer so he asked me and another friend to join him and his neighbour two days before he died. He was given the last rites, the funeral has taken place. and I shall meet with his neighbour  tomorrow.  <p>

Posted at 07:17am on 21st November 2017
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