Making Memory Whole

I recently attended a beautiful evening service of Healing and Hope at St. Mary's Church, Lindisfarne. The service began with these words: 'Welcome to St. Mary's Church, a place of brokenness, a place of reconciliation, a place of healing...'

This week  the Caim Council of The Community of Aidan and Hilda UK invited me to share in their retreat.  It was the last retreat we shall have at Saint Oswald's Centre, Sleights, Whitby which we dearly love and have strong connections with. The sisters of The Order of the Holy Paraclete intend to put this up for sale later this year, and consolidate their work in the main Priory at Sneaton Castle, Whitby, which is newly purpose-built. On our last day Sisters Helen and Janet Elizabeth informed us their prioress, Sister Carol had been rushed to hospital and had died,  We prayed with these dear sisters. If you would like to buy St. Oswald's please contact the sisters.

The retreat was led by Michael Mitton, who was one of our seven founders. On the first day we identified things we need to ask forgiveness for in our past, and things we need to thank God for and celebrate. There were tears and healings. On the second day  we wrote down our wildest dreams for the Comunity in ten years time. These included greater ethnic,  age and gender diversity, laboratories of the Spirit, a better range of resources, and task forces in places like Soweto, Bangkok and knife-crime infested inner city estates in UK.  If any of this stirs you, please contact us.

On  the last night we celebrated my birthday. Jutta, at The Open Gate had baked most magnificent dainties. After leaving I drove into Henrietta Street Whitby and purchased two of the prized smoked Whitby kippers as a thank you to her. However, although various things have recently been added to my bucket list, I am sufficiently old to drive three hours home before realising I had left my case behind. So on Sunday I left early in the morning, wrote final notes about disposals in case of my death, drove there and back in time to deliver the kippers to Jutta at 12.30 pm  on Holy Island!!

This week, a new adventure begins.


Posted at 14:46pm on 10th March 2019
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