National Mindfulness And Birmingham Change-makers
Central Hall Edinburgh was packed for last Saturday's National Mindfulness Day for Christians. It was promoted by Christian Mindfulness UK, in partnership with the Mind and Soul foundation, the Forward Foundation and CWR. I spoke on Spiritual Formation and a Way of Life on behalf of The Community of Aidan and Hilda. You can download this at
I was particularly struck by the linking of mindfulness with mental and physical health by Dr. Rob Waller of the Mind and Soul Foundation. He thinks churches can be hubs for mindfulness work that is not over medicalised.
One speaker pointed out that mindulness, like gravity, is a universal dimension. Just as gravity existed before Isaac Newton discovered it, so mindfulness existed before Buddhists discovered it. I made a similar point about The Way which we encourage people to follow. The Chinese stumbled upon it ('Dao'), as did those who believe in 'Perennial Wisdom' and First Nations peoples who follow 'The Harmony Way'. We believe we discover the Way most fully through Jesus, who called himself 'The Way'. My power point presentation'Living by a Way of Life' can be downloaded from this site.
On Tuesday I stayed overnight at Newbigin House, Handsworth, Birmingham UK. This is the base for a community which befriends locals, including those who have come out of the nearby Parsons Green prison. It is also the base for Urban Change-makers, who train young people in leadership skills that can make a difference in deprived areas. Rev. Dr. Paul Weston, Director of The Newbigin Centre at Ridley Hall, Cambridge updated us on its work of exploring ways in which our secularist culture can be missionised.
Following a delicious BBQ meal the guests were herded to the new Yurt in the the front garden, together with two eleven day old lambs and two alpacas. The Chair of their Trustees, Geoff Holt (who is also chair of CA&H trustees) came with his wife Joy and took photos. I was asked to give a Celtic blessing. Here it is:
May each person who enters this yurt
receive from you a mighty spurt
to fight for right and overcome wrong
to laugh and dance and sing your song.