Sparking Connections In Toronto
I thought I worked hard back home until I came here to Tyndale University College and Seminary, Toronto, to give four 85 minutes lectures each day this week on themes such as 'How Pagan Ireland became a land of saints and scholars', 'How the Irish birthed an English church', ''Celtic Monastic churches and the emerging church today', and 'Celtic Spirituality in the 21st Century'. These were preceded (this morning) by a 7.0. I.T. check, and followed by talks with students, who seem electrified by these themes. I gave a taster of our new course 'Igniting the Flame' and they queued with lap-top stick to make copies. No more of these. Orders please to our office. When students have completed their written work I have to mark these and return them by July. These will be credits towards their year's qualification.
Tyndale has mushroomed from a small evangelical Bible College to an expanding enterprise that embraces 20 Christian denominations and many cultures. Chinese is the second language after English. The college has purchased the large St Joseph's Convent nearby, sponsors a spiritual direction network and training courses of Christian leaders. It also uses the Jesuit Manresa Centre where I will load a teaching retreat next week.
A gym break at 5.0 pm is nice. Last night three staff who have visited the Open Gate and two wives shared a meal: Arthur and Lorna de Boers, Paul and Marlene Bramer, and David Sherbinho. Arthur gave me a copy of his new book 'The Rhythm of God's grace'. Tonight Anne Crosthwaite of Contemplative Fire took me out. This Pentecost week-end looks so exciting it deserves a blog to itself. May the Spirit ignite us all.