Unhealed History

 Sandi Kerner, from Richmond, Virginia, is here on Holy Island. She will take her Pilgrim Vows this week, and Philadelphia volunteer Judy Shelley will take her first vows. 

Richmond was a cockpit of America's Civil War, and many wounds inflicted by slavery and white and black suspicion remain unhealed. A local minister, Rev Benjamin Campell, has just written a prophetic book: Richmond’s Unhealed History (Brandylane Publishers 2012).  Sandi has given a copy to our library.
In this book he points out that few leaders admit that the present state of a city or country is related to unhealed history or spiritual illness. This is not the position with major prophets, including Jesus, who attribute the health and ultimate survival of a city to its spiritual vision and moral practice.
Campbell reminds us that we have to battle against our own denial,  fatigue, futility, unhealed history. We have to deal with the ‘dull debilitation of inherited hypocrisy and infidelity’.
Healing the Land begins when we who inherit the land express sorrow for:
         wars that have scarred it:
         wasted opportunities
         acts of revenge which made things worse.
Posted at 04:58am on 16th July 2012
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