What I've Done This Week


Welcome to many new Facebook Friends.  May you be fit for purpose and find what you are looking for.

Whitby smoked kippers claim to be the best.  I purchased two to deliver to Open Gate catering manager Jutta to thank her for baking a feast of cookies for me to share on my birthday.  On Sunday she was elsewhere so I left these, carefully wrapped, inside her house. She never saw them,  Her two dogs unwrapped and devoured the lot.  The dogs names are Francis and Clare - but would those saints after whom they are named  have done such a thing?

On Monday someone travelled by train to talk through ten creative ways of praying. On Tuesday, after tea at The Open Gate, I sent my manuscript about Indigenous Peoples and the Way of Jesus to a publisher.  On Wednesday Brenda and I shifted a mountain of emails, relieved by an hour in the gym and the Civic Society had a talk on 'Priests, Whores or Paragons of Piety: Clergy wives in Elizabethan England'!  On Thursday Churches Together had a Lent lunch and a talk on Saint Boisil - Tweedmouth's Patron Saint.

Today, Friday, I drive for six hours to Norfolk for visits to groups, friends, churches,  publishers and my sister's birthday.

Please note I have kept my vow not to mention Brexit. Dammit, I've just broken my vow. In that case, here is my oroposal - much more realistic than any in the UK Parliament just now:  Cross-bench MP's put forward a motion to delay (or rescind) Brexit until such time as a deal which the EU signals it is likely to appove is passed by a majority of MP's.  Please make this a rave on your social media outlets. God save us all.

Posted at 08:21am on 15th March 2019
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