Oxford Prayer Festival And Ummah
Over breakfast I talked with the Bishop Emeritus of Peshawar, Mano Rumalshah. His life has been threatened. All Christians in Pakistan feel unsafe. He spoke of the Muslim concept of Ummah, a sense of shared universal community with all Muslims. He felt that the equivalent for Christians is the universal Body of Christ. I pledged that we would pray habitually for Ummah in the Body of Christ and I tweeted that all Christians might become part of a multi-ethnic, multi-suffering, multi-resurrectioned Body of Christ.
I went to the toilet in my corridor. An information photo of a brick hut with a thatch roof above informed me ‘This toilet has been twinned with a latrine at Maindombe, Democratic Republic of Congo’. It was Latrine No. 10120 Latitude 4.16597900 Longtitude 28.16831200. If you, too, wish to toilet twin visit www.toilettwinning.org
I preached at Benson on Sunday, and watched half an hour of the world cup upon my return. The island swells with groups and individuals. I give Communion to three Norwegians who have walked the Cuthbert Way but who could find nowhere to sleep on the island. Individuals come to talk about life choices. David Cole leads a retreat on The Celtic Christ. Today Ian Bradley, with Mary and Lucy hope to catch up or crash out after walking St. Cuthbert's Way, and 150 Norwegians want a prayer service with four 'Lindisfarne hymns' in St. Mary's which lasts twenty minutes!