Prayer Sheds In Wales

Last week's blog on prayer sheds has drawn this response from Richard, In  Anglesey. It comes on the day the media announce a new coastal walk from one end to the other of Wales' coast line. Numerous places on or near this walk have Christian roots, which started with one person building a cell near a well and praying in it.  Contact me if you know of examples, or if you wish to contact Richard, who emails:

'I thought your blog about churches growing from one person praying in a shed, as it were, was particularly relevant to Anglesey. The pattern of church buildings here is based on that old Celtic cell or Llan pattern, but the overlay of the parish system has partially crippled that approach and ossified the network. Some churches here are rediscovering that role of being a prayer centre open to all, l'm praying (and nudging clergy and others!) to spread the work wider. And the general move of the Spirit across Wales seems to be about prayer points in localities, praying for that locality.

My summer house will soon be fit for use by passers-by with a prayer urge! We've put in new windows and door and the roof has been relaid, so it's fully water- and wind-proof. Once the last boxes have gone (soon) and I've laid a new floor and painted it, all will be ready. I hope it will be another small link in the growing chain of local prayer places across the island.' 

Posted at 12:25pm on 3rd May 2012
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