Puppets - A New Chapter In A Story Of Love



When Jane Colman found the strength to relaunch a popular Christian puppet ministry that had been originally created in Bowthorpe, Norwich, by her paraplegic late husband David, it marked a new chapter in an unfolding love story, reports Good News for Norwich & Norfolk in its winter edition.


 David Colman was a gifted artist, designer, mathematician and chess player despite being struck down by crippling muscular dystrophe from a young age. As a young father this agnostic reluctantly agreed that their baby Beth could be baptized, but he wanted to vigorously question the faith of Bowthorpe’s minister, Rev. Ray Simpson.  However, as he read John’s Gospel in his garden he had a sudden and dramatic conversion. 


 He spent the rest of his life sharing the message of God’s love. To do this he visualised and directed a team ministry with puppets that performed in many churches, schools and holiday clubs.



 He once dared Jane to sing Brendan Graham’s inspirational song ‘You raise me up’ with a puppet at his funeral.  This she did. Many eyes were filled with tears.


 Now Jane has re-launched the puppets.  They tell the Christmas Story like no others.

Read more on www.networknorfolk.co.uk


Posted at 08:05am on 21st December 2018
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